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The Monitoring of Your Assets

After you make an investment or acquire an asset, there comes a time to monitor the investment and track the performance. Whether it be a highly liquid asset like a stock, or an illiquid asset like a piece of real estate, one of the elements of investing or having a portfolio is keeping an eye on the values, movements, and direction.

Tracking An Assets Performance

The way an investment or asset moves over time is based on a variety of different factors. The types of comparable or similar sales, better earnings or income than expected, or negative sentiment around an investment can affect the way a market interprets an asset and the value of an investment. Depending on the market and the asset at hand, the changes within a market can change daily, hourly, or by the minute. The faster an asset or investment can trade or exchange between two parties, the faster news or information can be relayed about the state or sentiment of buyers and sellers. The frequency or speed events are transmitted to the buyers and sellers often play a role in the way an asset or investment is priced. The price of the investment or asset is one of the leading or most important variables in understanding its value relative to the market or to its potential.

The Progression of an Investment or Asset

Each investment, company, or asset has a progression or path that it experiences. Depending on the investor, the situation, and the potential, the way an asset progresses depends on the investor, their willingness to hold and be patient, or the amount an investor or company is willing to invest into a certain business or market as well.

The place or point an asset or company is at often plays a role in the way it’s operated and managed. The earlier a company or asset is in its progression, the higher the potential it has for earnings or value. The more an asset or company is able to generate or produce, the more it’s likely to be worth.

An Asset or Investments Operations

Depending on the investment itself, whether it’s a company, a project, or an investment, there’s a good chance the way a company or asset operates relates to its performance or success. The management or execution behind a project is often indicative of the skill level and the ability of a company, team, or individual has. If investments or assets are able to be produced or delivered on time and on budget, at a high quality, oftentimes it’s a good sign for the progression or the value of the asset. By keeping a close eye on expenses, timelines, and costs you can maintain the state a company or asset is operating in, and the way an investment might turn out.

Beating Expectations vs Less Than Expectations

Each investment, asset, or purchase usually has an objective, an end goal, or an idea for what the investor or purchaser is looking for. Whether that means a 10% return on investment or a 1000% return on investment, the expectation for an investment plays a role in its success.

Companies who beat expectations and outperform the expectations the analysts and street had for them, see their prices rise if their numbers are interpreted positively. Investments who do well, perform well, and exceed expectations, see happy and pleased investors as a result. The investments or assets that perform worse than expected, or less than expected, are where people begin to see values decline, or their investment dwindle.

Long Term View vs Short Term View

The way a certain investment, company, or asset is viewed depends on the investor, the patience they have, and the agenda they have for investment. Investments that are viewed with a long-term perspective, or on a long-term horizon, are given time to grow and develop. Minor fluctuations or changes in performance, operations, or results don’t affect the way an investor views an investment or the stance they have. They are in it for the long haul, odds are they like the company or the business model, and believe in the future or the direction the company or investment is headed in. Short term investors are looking to capitalize on short term changes or fluctuations resulting in positive performance or results. They watch the movements and changes behind an investment closely, constantly debating whether to sell an investment or to continue holding it. Minor or daily fluctuations can change or affect the stance an investor has for an asset or investment and influence its decision making.


One of the aspects to investing is monitoring and watching the way an asset, a company, or investment changes. The way it moves, the driving forces and the factors at play are elements to learning how to become a financial analyst. Depending on the way a market interprets the daily changes or events that take place, plays a role in the way the asset or investment corresponds.

The performance of a company or an asset tends to be linked directly to the way a company is able to operate or generate income. The better a company is able to operate, the more income or revenue it is able to produce, the more value it has. The more value a company or investment has, the more it’s worth, and hopefully, the more investors are pleased with their results.

The expectations an investor or the market has for an asset often play a role in the way a company’s value or price changes. If the company’s beat expectations and the market interpret the information or data positively, it’s usually good news for the value of the assets. Whether that means having a strong comparable sales, great performance or earnings for a quarter or strong demand in purchasing the asset, beating expectations is usually good news for the assets or company’s value.

The way an investor views an investment or asset, whether it’s with a short-term mindset, or a long-term mindset, play a role in the way they monitor or evaluate their assets. Seeing how the assets price changes or fluctuates is very meaningful for a short-term investor, but less important for a longer-term investor.

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