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How to Pick an Insurance Marketing Strategy

In this day and age, it’s hard to ignore just how important marketing is for the success of our businesses as a whole.  No matter what industry we’re a part of, there’s really no denying this fact.  Therefore, it probably comes as no surprise that in the insurance market, this is a key aspect for us to consider.

While it might sound surprising, there have even been academic articles like this one published on the topic, which gives us a sense of just how critical marketing is for insurance companies. Unfortunately, picking “one” strategy that will ultimately work better than the others is a difficult task.  There’s isn’t a singular “correct” answer here.

Rather, as business owners, we each have to pick and choose what strategies that we want to employ for our marketing.  Today, we’ll be covering some tips and tricks that will help you make those decisions along the way.  Just remember, there are a lot of possibilities here, so our list isn’t comprehensive!

Decide on Your Goals

The first step that anyone should take when strategizing like this is to decide what their goals are.  Why are you aiming to market your service anyway?  For many of us, the answer to that question is fairly obvious.  We want to entice customers to purchase our products and services, and we want to generate leads.

Still, there are other things you may strive to do as well.  Some examples include opting to find your target audience, striving to create a positive brand image, and more.  These are just some options to consider, of course, but explore what’s out there when it comes to marketing.

Take a Look at Your Brand Website

If there’s one thing that can unite pretty much all of us as businesses, it’s knowing how important the internet is to long-term success these days.  No matter what your insurance marketing strategy is, you’ll need to have a website that performs well and allows for customers to easily visit.  That way, they’ll also recommend you to their friends, and so on.

Now, there are a few “hidden” parts to this process that are also important.  For instance, if you change your URL at any point, make sure that’s updated on all social media profiles that link to the website.  In the insurance market, it’s really critical to keep the information that we provide as up-to-date and current as possible.

Quality Content: Why it Matters

By now, you’ve probably heard that one of the pillars of online and digital marketing is to generate quality content.  Ideally, it will be something that your team produces, since the algorithms on search engines heavily punish AI generated copy.  Why is this such a big deal, though?

A lot of it stems back to a concept known as SEO, or search engine optimization.  A big part of generating organic clicks and traffic for our websites is to optimize them to display highly on search engine result pages.  In order to do that effectively, you’ll need to have quality content that incorporates relevant key words.

If you’re feeling lost with all of this, don’t worry.  You can read up on these concepts easily, and there are plenty of marketing companies who can also help out.  A good place to start is with the resources we’ve provided, and with an earnest attempt to generate quality articles and video or picture content for your site that relates to your brand!


People read reviews.  That’s just a fact.  You can read more about that here, but the gist of it is that the more positive reviews you get for your brand, the better chances are that new customers will click and be intrigued.

Consider having a spot on your website to highlight the positive reviews that you get from your customers.  This will also help to encourage them to leave reviews in the first place – having their name on your site can be a confidence boost, after all.

E-mail Marketing

Another popular type of marketing these days is e-mail marketing, which is pretty much exactly what the name implies.  However, there are some nuances here to be aware of.  For instance, it does require having a network of e-mail addresses to pull from and send the advertisement content out.

That’s why landing pages on our websites can be so helpful.  You can invite your customers to sign up for your newsletter or something akin to that.  Provide discounts or coupons that are exclusive to the newsletter recipients, and you’ll entice more people to join!  This all works in tandem to help e-mail marketing techniques be successful.

In fact, most of these concepts work well together.  That’s why it’s important to pick several different complementary strategies to incorporate into your marketing.

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